Top Three Tips For Effective Spring Rototilling

When planning what your crops will be for the upcoming year will be, every gardener’s favorite chore needs to be done: rototilling (enter sarcasm here).

While rototilling may not be the most enjoyable step of creating your garden, it is a quite necessary one. The purpose of this blog is to hopefully make the process as easy as possible and to give insight into the first stage of making your garden.

3) You should only turn the soil if it is necessary. Soft flowerbeds can probably be worked with some of your other garden tools and won’t disturb the insects that are working the soil for you.

2) If you are working with hard soil, plan on getting it turned with your rototiller two to three weeks before your garden will be planted. Make sure to pick a day that isn’t too hot with low wind to avoid kicking dirt up and making you sweat enough to water the garden without a hose. The soil also shouldn’t be wet because you will compact the soil when you walk on it, negating the whole process.

1) Depending on what you are planning on planting, the depth of your rototilling is also very important. Some recommend tilling four to six inches for leaf vegetables and six to eight for root vegetables. During your rototilling, manure and compost should also be added to ensure that your area is prime for planting in two to 3 weeks.

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